Take a moment to explore the services offered by Prescott Sleep Solutions and discover the perfect fit for your needs.
Sleep Apnea and Snoring
Oral Appliance Therapy
Nightlase Laser Therapy
iNAP Sleep Apnea Treatment
Home Sleep Testing
Online Sleep Care
Lifestyle Nutrition and Juice Plus
Sleep Apnea and Snoring
Sleep apnea and snoring
Sleep apnea is a chronic disorder that causes loud snoring and disrupts sleep quality. With more than 30 years of experience in dental sleep medicine, Dana Rockey, DMD, invests in the latest technology to treat sleep apnea and snoring, including oral appliance therapy and NightLase® laser therapy. Call our office today or schedule an appointment to find relief from sleep apnea and snoring.
What are sleep apnea and snoring?
Sleep apnea is a common disorder that can lead to pauses in breathing while you sleep. The most common type, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), occurs when the muscles that control the tissues in the back of your throat relax. When the muscles relax, the tissues in the throat collapse and block your airways.
While sleep apnea and snoring are separate conditions, they often occur together. Partially obstructed airways can lead to loud snoring. Dr. Rockey performs comprehensive testing to uncover the cause of these conditions and create the appropriate treatment plan for you.
What are the signs of sleep apnea and snoring?
Loud snoring is a telltale sign of sleep apnea. This harsh, hoarse sound can irritate your throat and cause discomfort. Common signs of sleep apnea and snoring include:
- Headaches
- Daytime fatigue
- Sore throat in the morning
- Waking up gasping for air
- Restlessness
- Dry mouth
- Choking on air
- Difficulty concentrating
- Forgetfulness
- Mood swings
These conditions can also interfere with your sleep quality and interpersonal relationships. Loud snoring, gasping for breath, and other common sleep apnea symptoms can keep you and your partner or family up at night. These symptoms even increase your risk of complications, such as hypertension (high blood pressure), heart disease, and stroke.
What causes sleep apnea and snoring?
Sleep apnea and snoring are often the results of underlying medical conditions, diet, and lifestyle habits, such as:
- Older age
- Excess weight
- Opioid use
- Atrial fibrillation
- Congestive heart failure
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Enlarged tonsils
While sleep apnea and snoring can affect anybody, these conditions are prevalent in men over age 50, particularly those with thick necks and excess weight.
What are the treatments for sleep apnea and snoring?
Dr. Rockey offers multiple treatments for sleep apnea and snoring, such as:
Oral appliance therapy
Oral appliance therapy uses dental devices to open your airways. These appliances typically work in one of two ways. They either stabilize your tongue to prevent blockages or shift your jaw forward to stop tissue from collapsing in the back of your throat.
NightLase laser therapy
NightLase is a noninvasive treatment for sleep apnea that uses laser energy to stimulate collagen in the tissues in the back of your throat. Collagen production helps tighten these tissues to prevent them from collapsing.
iNap therapy
iNAP is a sleek, modern sleep apnea treatment that opens your airways without the hassle or visibility of a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine.
Whole food nutrition
A healthy diet can help accelerate weight loss, reduce sleep apnea symptoms, and improve your health.
If sleep apnea and snoring diminish your sleep quality, don’t hesitate to reach out to Dr. Rockey. Call Dana Rockey, DMD, today or schedule an appointment online to learn more.
Oral Appliance Therapy
Oral Appliance Therapy
Oral appliance therapy can open your airways and reduce nighttime snoring if sleep apnea stops you from getting the rest you deserve. Dana Rockey, DMD, has worked with sleep apnea patients for more than 30 years. Dr. Rockey uses oral appliance therapy at his office to minimize sleep apnea symptoms and promote restful sleep. Call us today or schedule an appointment online to learn more.
What is oral appliance therapy?
Oral appliance therapy treats sleep apnea. This chronic sleep disorder causes hundreds of pauses in breathing while you sleep. No matter how brief these pauses are, they deprive your body’s tissues and organs of the oxygen they need. Oral appliance therapy is a custom-made device you wear in your mouth to minimize the symptoms of sleep apnea.
Who benefits from oral appliance therapy?
Oral appliance therapy is ideal for patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). If you have OSA, the muscles that support the tissues in the back of your throat relax when you fall asleep. Once the muscles unwind, the tissues collapse and block your airways. Oral appliance therapy either shifts your jaw forward or suppresses your tongue to eliminate this obstruction.
Many people don’t realize they have OSA until another person alerts them to nighttime symptoms, such as loud snoring and clear pauses in breath. Other common signs of OSA include:
- Irritability
- Sore throat
- Dry mouth
- Daytime fatigue
- Morning headaches
- Low libido
- Difficulty concentrating
- Waking up gasping for air
Without treatment, OSA can increase your risk of serious health complications, including hypertension (high blood pressure) and stroke.
What can I expect from oral appliance therapy?
Oral appliance therapy uses custom-made devices to open your airways. Dr. Rockey can create two types of devices: a jaw advancement device or a tongue splint. While advancement device gently shifts your jaw forward to prevent the tissues in the back of your throat from collapsing, a tongue splint stabilizes your tongue to prevent blockages.
Is there an alternative to oral appliance therapy?
Oral appliance therapy can be an excellent alternative to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) devices if it can not be worn correctly or tolerated by the patient or any number of resons. Along with oral appliance therapy, Dr. Rockey offers the following:
iNAP sleep apnea treatment
iNAP is a thin, battery-powered mouthpiece that discreetly fits in your mouth to shift your tongue forward. You can bring the device anywhere and track your progress on an app that connects to your smartphone.
NightLase® laser therapy
NightLase is a noninvasive treatment that stimulates collagen production to tighten the tissues in your throat. NightLase treatments can help prevent collapsed tissue without surgery or downtime.
Dr. Rockey is an expert in oral appliance and laser therapy for sleep apnea. If you’re struggling with symptoms like loud snoring, headaches, and daytime fatigue, call Dana Rockey, DMD, to schedule an appointment today.

Nightlase laser Therapy
Nightlase and Confortlase Laser Therapy®
NightLase® laser therapy is a revolutionary treatment for sleep apnea and snoring that can improve your sleep quality noninvasively. At his office Dana Rockey, DMD, offers NightLase treatments for patients struggling with obstructive sleep apnea. Call the office nearest you today to schedule an appointment to find out if you’re a candidate for NightLase.
What is NightLase laser therapy?
NightLase is a noninvasive laser therapy treatment that reduces the symptoms of sleep apnea and snoring. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), the most common type, occurs when the muscles in the back of the throat relax, causing the tissues they support to collapse. These tissues can obstruct your airways while you sleep, causing hundreds of pauses in your breathing.
NightLase laser therapy directly targets the tissues in the back of the throat. The device uses laser energy to tighten these tissues and keep your airway open while you sleep.
How does NightLase laser therapy work?
NightLase uses an Er:YAG laser modality to heat the tissues in the throat without damaging the outer layer. This heat causes the collagen fibers in the tissues to tighten. Collagen is an essential protein in your connective tissues. It keeps your skin firm and tight. As you age, your collagen levels decline, leading to sagging skin.
By restoring lost collagen in your tissues, NightLase laser therapy can tighten the collapsed portion of your throat to prevent airway blockages while you sleep.
Who is a candidate for NightLase laser therapy?
Dr. Rockey may recommend NightLase laser therapy if you have advanced OSA and struggle to manage your symptoms with oral appliance therapy or a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device. NightLase may aloud you to treat sleep apnea symptoms without wearing a device at night.
What can I expect from NightLase laser therapy?
NightLase is a comfortable treatment that requires no anesthesia or downtime. The treatment is gentle enough for the sensitive tissues inside your mouth. Dr. Rockey performs three two five 40-minute treatments, spaced three weeks apart, for the best results. Once new collagen formation begins, you can expect fewer sleep apnea symptoms, including snoring.
Can I combine other treatments with NightLase laser therapy?
Dr. Rockey recommends combining NightLase laser therapy with oral appliance therapy. These devices use jaw advancement devices to open your airways for smoother breathing. Dr. Rockey may create a custom-made oral device or tongue splint. A oral device carefully shifts your jaw forward while a tongue splint stabilizes your tongue. He can recommend the right option for you.
Sleep apnea affects millions of Americans each year. If you struggle with sleep apnea symptoms, NightLase and oral appliance therapy can help you get the rest you deserve. Call Dana Rockey, DMD, to schedule an appointment today to learn more.
INAP Sleep Apnea Treatment
INAP Sleep Apnea Treatment
If snoring is keeping you awake at night and leaving you groggy in the morning, iNAP sleep apnea treatment is a flexible, sleek alternative to traditional oral appliance therapy that allows you to track your treatment on your phone. Dana Rockey, DMD, offers iNAP sleep apnea treatment at his office in Prescott. Call our office to schedule an appointment today.
What is iNAP sleep apnea treatment?
iNAP is a sleek, modern sleep apnea treatment that opens your airways without the hassle or visibility of a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine.
You can travel with iNAP sleep apnea treatment and use the device without disrupting others. iNAP includes a thin, flexible mouthpiece and tubing with a battery-powered console that allows you to breathe comfortably through your nose.
How is iNAP sleep apnea treatment different from a CPAP device?
A CPAP uses continuous positive pressure to open your airways while you sleep. The device includes a mask that covers your nose and mouth. Many patients complain that CPAP machines are noisy, uncomfortable, and unbearable to wear throughout the night. The device can also disrupt your partner’s sleep quality if you share a bedroom.
iNAP sleep apnea treatment uses negative pressure to stop your tongue and surrounding tissues from shifting out of place, removing the blockage. Unlike most CPAP machines, iNAP’s rechargeable battery device is no larger than a cellphone. The device is quiet and easy to travel with, so you won’t disrupt your partner, family, or roommate.
Am I a candidate for iNAP sleep apnea treatment?
iNAP is an effective treatment for patients with mild, moderate, and even severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The most common type, OSA, causes the tissues in the back of your throat to collapse while you sleep. iNAP uses a small, flexible mouthpiece to open your airways and promote more restful sleep.
After a comprehensive evaluation that may include a home sleep study, Dr. Rockey can determine whether you’re a good candidate for the iNAP sleep apnea treatment.
Can I replace my CPAP machine with iNAP sleep apnea treatment?
It may be possible for iNap to replace your CPAP machine. Most patients who use iNAP are less reliant on their CPAP machine to sleep comfortably. Dr. Rockey may recommend a trial period and sleep testing to determine if iNAP offers the support you need to pack away your CPAP and transition to iNAP full-time.
iNAP sleep apnea treatment can enhance your sleep quality if you suffer from loud snoring and other uncomfortable symptoms. Call Dana Rockey, DMD, to schedule an appointment today to learn more.

TMJ Dysfunction
Everyone experiences occasional headaches, shoulder pain, or sore neck. Most of the time we can dismiss the cause as nothing more than stress or our busy lives, but, when pain becomes a daily occurrence or is accompanied by other symptoms, there could be something more going on. If you are suffering from undiagnosed, chronic pain, TMJ may be the reason. At Prescott Sleep Solutions, Dr Dana Rockey is experienced in diagnosing and treating TMJ dysfunction.
How does your TMJ work?
TMJ is an abbreviated term for the temporomandibular joint also known as your jaw joint. Other abbreviations; TMD for Temporomandibular Disorder and TMJD for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, are also accepted and used interchangeably to refer to the pain, disorder or dysfunction of this joint and other affected areas surrounding it.
Like all of the wonderfully complex parts of our bodies, the temporomandibular joint is designed for smooth, continuous and pain-free operation. These two essential joints work in unison to allow you to:
- bite
- speak
- chew
- sing
- yawn
- laugh
- talk
In fact, for your jaw to do everything you need it to, it must be able to open close, move forward and back and from side to side.
The bones of your joints do not work alone. To move, each of your ball and socket jaw joints are cushioned by a disc and surrounded by the muscles, ligaments and nerves that make them work.
What causes jaw problems?
While TMJ causes are not always clear, they are often be related to specific events or life changes, including:
- uneven dentistry
- direct injury to the temporomandibular joint
- ongoing stress resulting in bruxism and clenching of the jaw
- shifting or missing teeth
- a misaligned jaw or underdeveloped jaw due to genetics or childhood breathing problems
- arthritis
- sleep disorders, especially sleep disordered breathing
Where does the pain come from?
Since the TM joint consists of so many interdependent parts, if even one piece is out of commission, stressed or damaged in some way, the rest of the connecting parts are affected. This includes the part of our nervous system that is responsible for providing input to the brain for as much as 40 percent of the human head and face.
The nerve, specifically called the trigeminal nerve is of great interest to the physiologic dentist evaluating and treating TMJ disorders. As the name implies, there are three branches to this nerve, and they are connected with many of the functions of the TM joint, including:
- Routine chewing functions of the upper and lower jaw
- Swallowing
- Breathing
- Talking
- Kissing
- Eyes
- Ears
- Sinuses
- Teeth
Even though TMJ pain directly communicates through the trigeminal nerve structures, it may also result in referred pain to certain locations in the head and neck. Almost 100% of all headaches and migraines, as well as sinus pain are mediated primarily by the trigeminal nerve. Symptoms of referred pain may include the following symptoms:
- Frequent morning headaches or migraines
- Grinding, clicking or popping noise in the TM joints
- Dizziness
- Neck, shoulder or back pain
- Tinnitus
Home sleep testing
Home sleep Testing
Home sleep testing is one of the most effective ways to diagnose, monitor, and track sleep disorders like sleep apnea. With more than 30 years of experience as a dentist and dental sleep medicine specialist, Dana Rockey, DMD, facilitates comprehensive home sleep testing for patients suffering from symptoms like snoring, fatigue, and morning headaches. Call our office today to schedule an appointment today to learn more.
What is home sleep testing?
Home sleep testing tracks and monitors your bodily functions and movements while you sleep. Dr. Rockey recommends home sleep testing for patients who struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep throughout the night. If you frequently wake up groggy, tired, or with headaches, conducting a home sleep study can help diagnose the underlying cause, Dr. Rockey works with Board Certified Sleep Physicians to accomplish this.
Why should I consider home sleep testing?
Home sleep testing is critical for patients displaying symptoms or at risk of sleep apnea. This common sleep disorder affects millions of Americans each year. It causes repetitive pauses in breathing while you sleep, depriving your body of the oxygen it needs to function properly.
If you frequently experience signs of sleep disorders, such as waking up during the night, struggling to fall asleep, or feeling fatigued throughout the day, a home sleep test can help Dr. Rockey and partner physicians to pinpoint the underlying cause.
What are the signs I need home sleep testing?
The signs of sleep apnea are not always clear at first, especially if you live alone. Loud snoring is often the first sign of this sleep disorder, but that can be difficult to notice if another person doesn’t bring it to your attention. Other common signs of sleep apnea include:
- Morning headaches
- Daytime fatigue
- Irritability
- Low libido
- Waking up gasping for air
- Dry mouth
- Difficulty concentrating
A home sleep test ensures you receive the treatment before sleep apnea leads to complications, such as hypertension (high blood pressure), stroke, or heart disease.
What does home sleep testing involve?
Home sleep testing is like a traditional lab test. Before you fall asleep, you wear a monitoring device that includes a belt, cables, and sensors. A recording device attached to the unit tracks and monitors your movements and other functions to identify sleep abnormalities. Board Certified Sleep Physician’s review the data to determine the next steps in your treatment plan.
If they determine that you show signs of sleep apnea, Dr. Rockey offers multiple treatments to reduce your symptoms and improve your sleep quality.
Dana Rockey, DMD, is a home sleep testing expert who can create a custom treatment plan that meets your unique needs. Call our office today to schedule an appointment to learn more.

Online Sleep care
online sleep care
Quality sleep is essential for optimal health and longevity. At Dana Rockey, DMD, in Prescott Arizona you can avoid the complex and costly barriers to achieving better sleep care. Dr. Rockey has partnered with board-certified sleep specialist Dr. Sahil Shopra and his Harvard-trained team at Empower Sleep to provide patients with sleep apnea treatments tailored to their needs. Empower Sleep uses a simple, secure, and convenient online platform that allows for continuity of care which also allows Dr. Rockey to monitor your progress during treatment. Online sleep care is an ideal alternative for people who prefer a digital approach to getting dedicated sleep care quickly. Call our office or schedule an appointment online with Empower Sleep to learn more.
What is online sleep care?
Empower Sleep is an online program that uses an FDA-approved home test to track your sleep habits. The company sends the sleep test directly to your home, so you can skip the lab and complete the study from the comfort of your own bed. Empower Sleep uses the data collected through your home device to assess your sleep habits and create an individualized care plan with the help of Dr. Rockey and his team.
Once you complete your online assessment, Dr. Rockey can track your progress and may adjust your care plan depending on your individual needs and priorities. Online sleep care can give you the flexibility to take charge of your sleep quality without the cost and inconvenience of in-house lab studies.
How does online sleep care work?
If you’re interested in online sleep care, you must first complete a 5-10 minute questionnaire. Empower Sleep sends your sleep test directly to your home. The testing device, shaped like a ring, measures your sleep habits over three nights.
Once your results are ready, you have a one-on-one consultation with a board-certified sleep specialist through a secure online platform. The initial online visit includes a custom-made treatment plan that can improve your sleep quality.
If you frequently experience signs of sleep disorders, such as waking up during the night, struggling to fall asleep, or feeling fatigued throughout the day, a home sleep test can help Dr. Rockey and partner physicians to pinpoint the underlying cause.
What does online sleep care include?
Empower Sleep’s online sleep care program allows you to access the most effective treatments for poor sleep quality. Based on your results, the Sleep team may recommend a combination approach that includes:
- Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines
- Oral Appliances
- Laser therapy
- iNap therapy
- Orthodontic treatment
- Diet and lifestyle counseling
With direct access to manufacturers, Empower Sleep can send treatments, such as a CPAP machine, straight to your home. Or, Dr. Rockey will then work with you to utilize CPAP alternatives which your insurance may cover.
What does home sleep testing involve?
Home sleep testing is like a traditional lab test. Before you fall asleep, you wear a monitoring device that includes a belt, cables, and sensors. A recording device attached to the unit tracks and monitors your movements and other functions to identify sleep abnormalities. Board Certified Sleep Physician’s review the data to determine the next steps in your treatment plan.
If they determine that you show signs of sleep apnea, Dr. Rockey offers multiple treatments to reduce your symptoms and improve your sleep quality.
Dana Rockey, DMD, is a home sleep testing expert who can create a custom treatment plan that meets your unique needs. Call our office today to schedule an appointment to learn more.
What can online sleep care address?
Online sleep care through Empower Sleep addresses a wide range of disorders that can affect your quality of rest. Partnering with Dr. Shopra and his expert team gives Dr. Rockey unmatched insight into your sleep habits to diagnose and treat conditions such as:
- Sleep apnea
- Insomnia
- Narcolepsy
- Snoring
With Empower Sleep’s help and expertise, Dr. Rockey can help you manage your sleep disorders for a good night’s rest.
Call our office to request an appointment today to learn more about online sleep care.

Juice Plus and Healthy Nutrition
If your diet is lacking in nutrition, Juice Plus+® whole food-based nutritional products are an ideal solution for ensuring your body gets what it needs to function. At Prescott Sleep Solutions in Prescott, Arizona, Dr. Dana Rockey offers a variety of Juice Plus+ products made up of farm-fresh vegetables, fruits, and other nutrients in a convenience capsule or chewable form. Find out how Juice Plus+ can reinvent your diet and put you on the path to better health by calling the location nearest you today.
What is Juice Plus+?
Juice Plus+ is a whole food-based nutrition program that focuses on powdered concentrates from 30 different vegetables, fruits, and grains. Through the Juice Plus+ program, you can ensure you’re getting the essential nutrients and antioxidants you need to stay healthy and maximize the function of your body.
The JuicePlus+ system packs the necessary nutrients you need into a convenient capsule. You can also enjoy the nutritional benefits of:
- Bars
- Shakes
- Soft chewables
Each element of the Juice Plus+ program is well-balanced and nutritious, and it makes it easy for you to fortify your body with the essential whole food-based nutrition it needs to thrive.
What ingredients are included in Juice Plus+?
All of the ingredients in Juice Plus+ fruits and vegetables grow at family farms in North America. The manufacturer preserves them soon after harvest to ensure they retain their nutritional content and uses proprietary methods to juice and dry the produce. The processes meet or exceed the standards of NSF, a public health and safety organization that was previously known as the National Sanitation Foundation.
Juice Plus+ products contain 30 different fruits, vegetables, and grains that include amino acids, antioxidants, and vitamins, such as:
- Kale
- Beets
- Garlic
- Apples
- Carrots
- Elderberry
- Blackberries
- Pomegranate
Dr. Rockey follows the MyPlate guidelines of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for balanced nutrition to recommend the right Juice Plus+ products for your diet.
Why should I consider the Juice Plus+ program?
Anyone who is interested in improving their diet and reducing their risk factors for chronic disease can benefit from the Juice Plus+ program. The products are especially convenient for those who are on-the-go and can’t always prepare their own whole food meals.
Dr. Rockey can evaluate your lifestyle, your usual diet, and your existing health to assess your nutritional needs. He customizes recommendations for Juice Plus+ based on your needs.
In addition to the Juice Plus+ program, Dr. Rockey also offers comprehensive healthy living counseling to address your exercise and fitness needs. He works with you to make necessary lifestyle and attitude changes that support a healthier, happier you.
To find out more about the benefits of the Juice Plus+ program, schedule a consultation with Dr. Rockey by calling our office today.